Evans Jones make key appointments and promotions in line with future growth plans.

Evans Jones, the UK-wide firm of Property and Planning Consultants have made key appointments and promotions in line with their future growth plans.
David Jones, Managing Director comments:
“We have ambitious plans for the next five years – we plan to build and strengthen our team and have made some key appointments and promotions in line with this strategy.
As Managing Director, I will be leading the business through our growth and expansion plans and Mark Campbell will step up to the role of Head of Planning. We congratulate Mark in his well-deserved promotion to Head of Planning and welcome our new members to the team.”
The firm also welcomes to the team new appointments – Adam White as Principal Planner, who is due to join in the coming weeks, Emily Pugh as Planner and Mike Dodge as Senior Quantity Surveyor.
Adam and Emily bring a wealth of planning experience from both local authority and private practice and Mike brings over 8 years’ experience of quantity surveying and working on large construction projects.
David Jones adds:
“It has been a difficult 12 months for everyone, however, we feel that now is the time to invest in our future growth, especially in our people, processes and technology. We have built a solid foundation, particularly over the last ten years and we want to continue to build on these blocks for the future.
A key part of our strategy is to increase our presence in our geographic areas of the South West, London and Thames Valley and continue to build our client base in these areas and across the UK. These appointments are a clear statement of our investment in our future and these new appointments are a significant step on the road to delivering our future growth plans.”
David Jones is Managing Director at Evans Jones Ltd. For more information, email info@evansjones.co.uk or call 0800 0014090.